Lifestyle Product Photography


This service offers people and organizations to send me products that they would like me to photograph with the models I find. The models can be children, teens, adults or seniors. The client can then use the photos for their own social media sites, online stores and other marketing materials.

In the photographs above, I had the opportunity to photograph a model promoting various bird watching equipment by Zeiss, and a hat by Rockjumper Birding Tours.

The costs and package details are listed below, along with an FAQ.

Lifestyle Product Photography Packages

1 Product, 1 Model

2 hours of coverage
5 edited images
Online gallery
Gallery delivery within 1 week

1 Model, 2 Products

2 hours of coverage
10 edited images
Online gallery
Gallery delivery within 1 week

2 Models, 2 Products

2 hours of coverage
20 edited images
Online gallery
Gallery delivery within 2 weeks


Are there costs for additional photos, models, and products?

Yes, please see below for additional costs:

- It will be $20 for each additional photo requested.
- It will be $50 for each additional model requested.
- It will be $30 per each additional product requested.

If you are located outside the Greater Toronto Area, there will be an additional cost for shipping the products to me and for me returning the products to you after the shoot.

What camera equipment and softwares do you use?

I use the following camera equipment:

- Canon Rebel T5i
- 18mm to 55mm Wide Angle Lens
- 55mm to 250mm Telephoto Lens

I use the following softwares for photo editing:

- Adobe Lightroom
- Adobe Photoshop

What resolution do you deliver?

I deliver high quality jpegs. It can range from 5 megabytes to 20 or more megabytes.

Do you offer reshoots?

I usually go above and beyond during the first time around and ensure you are satisfied with the photos. I will definitely communicate your needs upfront so I know what the expectations are. However, I will do a reshoot for free if there is an error on my side & it was communicated beforehand.

Why are all the shooting coverage 2 hours?

I'm a bit of a perfectionist with product photography. It takes time to work with lighting, location, poses for the models, and making sure the products you send me are presented clearly in the photographs. 2 hours is a good amount of time for me to get the shots that meets the client's expectations.

Do you accept gigs from India?

I am located in Ontario, Canada, but I accept jobs from all over the world.

Where can I post the photos you send me?

You can post the photos on your website, Amazon, social media pages, flyers, newspapers, and more. However, it would mean a lot to me if was credited under the images - this is not a requirement though.

Do you film and edit videos?

I do have 3 years of experience filming and editing videos. However, I don't have the proper software for it at this present time. If there is a lot of demand for videos, then I will certainly consider it for 2022.


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