200 Amazing Summer Bucket List Ideas You Must Do

Summer is just around the corner, and if you’re like me and already planning your summer activities, then this blog is for you! I have gone through 12 different websites and listed out the best 200 activities to do this summer below. You can certainly treat this list as a checklist and see how many activities you and your friends complete before summer ends!


Photo by Elizeu Dias from Unsplash


1. Go to an amusement park 

2. Bike along the waterfront 

3. Go to the beach 

4. Go camping 

5. Run through the sprinklers 

6. Go wine tasting 

7. Go to a baseball game 

8. Go to a basketball game 

9. Have a water balloon fight 

10. Go to a concert 

11. Go to a pool party 

12. Go golfing 

13. Go to a summer cottage 

14. Go on a long drive 

15. Go paddleboarding 

16. Go to a farmer’s market 

17. Read a book 

18. Watch fireworks 

19. Watch the sunrise 

20. Watch the sunset 

21. Go bowling 

22. Learn to surf 

23. Attend a boat party 

24. Visit a historical site 

25. Go hiking on a new trail 

26. Get ice cream from an ice cream truck 

27. Go somewhere you have never been 

28. Fly a kite 

29. Throw a BBQ party

30. Have a picnic 



31. Buy something from a garage sale (yard sale) 

32. Get a tattoo (temporary or permanent) 

33. Attend a food festival 

34. Play beach volleyball 

35. Eat corn on the cob 

36. Run a race 

37. Play frisbee 

38. Stay at a hotel in the city 

39. Go to an outdoor spa resort 

40. Go to the zoo or wildlife sanctuary 

41. Throw a house party 

42. Visit a national or state park 

43. Plant a tree 

44. Try fresh fruits from a garden 

45. Eat a snow cone 

46. Learn a new language 

47. Start a new hobby (ex. photography) 

48. Sit under a waterfall 

49. Attend a yoga class 

50. Ride in a hot air balloon 

51. Go stargazing 

52. Go to a botanical garden 

53. Go to a stand up comedy show 

54. Take a pottery class 

55. Try a new restaurant 

56. Explore a nearby city 

57. Go on a helicopter tour 

58. Attend a fashion show 

59. Go to a rooftop bar 

60. Go to an outdoor movie screening 


Photo by Roberto Nickson from Unsplash



61. Go to a painting class 

62. Plan a stay-cation 

63. Book a flight to someplace you’ve never been 

64. Visit a museum

65. Cannonball into a lake or a pool 

66. Eat a funnel cake 

67. Build a sandcastle 

68. Take a nap in the sun

69. Get a manicure / pedicure 

70. Buy or pick some fresh cut flowers 

71. Visit a friend that you haven’t seen for awhile 

72. Become a tourist in your own city 

73. Listen to a new podcast 

74. Start a YouTube channel 

75. Start a blog 

76. Try a TikTok trend 

77. Create your own summer skincare routine 

78. Enroll in a summer course 

79. Relax in a hammock 

80. Visit a sunflower / lavender field 

81. Visit a library 

82. Bake a pie 

83. Go skydiving 

84. Go bungee jumping 

85. Go out dancing with your friends

86. Attend a summer wedding 

87. Light a sparkler 

88. Run through the grass barefoot 

89. Book a cruise 

90. Watch summer movies 



91. Go thrift shopping 

92. Volunteer somewhere 

93. Do a fun photoshoot with your friends 

94. Play video games

95. Play tennis 

96. Play badminton 

97. Learn how to read tarot cards 

98. Visit a psychic 

99. Sell your clothes online 

100. Do some summer cleaning (freshen up your bedroom, living room, etc) 

101. Do one thing you are afraid of 

102. Bake something 

103. Collect seashells at the beach 

104. Join a baseball league 

105. Go golfing 

106. Go indoor or outdoor rock climbing 

107. Go to the gym 

108. Make a vision board 

109. Donate to an important cause 

110. Dance to your favourite songs 

111. Complete a crossword puzzle 

112. Switch books with someone 

113. Make friendship bracelets 

114. Make a summer scrapbook filled with your best summer memories 

115. Sell your old furniture online 

116. Go to a bakery / cafe that you’ve never been before 

117. Go ziplining 

118. Take a family photo 

119. Go waterskiing 

120. Do a random act of kindness for a stranger


Photo by Nicole Herrero from Unsplash



121. Try a new food item 

122. Ride a ferris wheel 

123. Skip stones on a lake 

124. Play board games / card games 

125. Make tie dye t-shirts

126. Learn archery 

127. Create a cocktail 

128. Get a summer haircut 

129. Eat s’mores by a campfire 

130. Leap off a rope swing 

131. Make ice cream 

132. Go whitewater rafting 

133. Make a summer playlist 

134. Go to a water park 

135. Attend a parade 

136. Make fresh squeezed lemonade

137. Go snorkelling 

138. Go scuba diving 

139. Walk your dog, or your friend’s dog 

140. Dye your hair a different colour 

141. Binge an entire Netflix series 

142. Visit a planetarium or observatory

143. Go bird watching 

144. Go indoor ice skating

145. Go rollerblading 

146. Learn how to cook your favourite meal 

147. Make Starbucks Frappuccino at home 

148. Write a novel or a short story 

149. Hold a pizza party with personal homemade pizzas 

150. Learn to knit



151. Ride in a limo

152. Go on a digital detox for 24 hours 

153. Go horseback riding 

154. Find the best breakfast spot in your city or town

155. Learn magic tricks

156. Go fishing 

157. Learn to draw 

158. Start journaling 

159. Ride a tandem bike 

160. Host a Mario Kart tournament 

161. Play paintball

162. Play laser tag 

163. Put together a charcuterie board spread 

164. Go to an arcade 

165. Dance in the rain 

166. Try goat or puppy yoga 

167. Host a girls night or boys night 

168. Go whale watching 

169. Climb a tree

170. Go cliff diving 

171. Go skinny dipping 

172. Go clubbing

173. Stay in a treehouse 

174. Run a marathon 

175. Play cornhole 

176. Zip around the city in electric scooters 

177. Sun tan on a lounge chair 

178. Go to a state fair 

179. Play tennis 

180. Play pickle ball


Photo by Chino Rocha from Unsplash



181. Learn to make a new dessert 

182. Learn to play a musical instrument 

183. Make a family video 

184. Take an online course 

185. Make a new smoothie 

186. Take a photo in front of a wall mural 

187. Take a dance class

188. Make a new friend

189. Float on a lazy river

190. Go sailing 

191. Go strawberry picking 

192. Feed the birds in a park 

193. Grow a plant 

194. Go backpacking with a friend 

195. Make a new cocktail 

196. Start an online business 

197. Spend time with a friend that you haven’t spoken to in awhile 

198. Visit your parents

199. Visit your grandparents

200. Make your own summer bucket list


I hope you found this list useful. If you have any other summer bucket list ideas to add to the list or just wanted to say hi, then please don’t hesitate to comment below! I would love to hear from you!


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